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Kênh Youtube Thích Prof. Dr. Md Shamsuzzaman
Prof. Dr. Md Shamsuzzaman
General Pathology : Lecture 1 | Introduction and Cellular...
General Pathology : Lecture 2 | Hypertrophy
Systemic Pathology: Lecture 33 | Diseases of CVS : Day 03...
Systemic Pathology: Lecture 28 | Diseases of Respiratory ...
Systemic Pathology: Lecture 37 | Diseases of CVS : Day 07...
Systemic Pathology: Lecture 36 | Diseases of CVS : Day 06...
Dr. Najeeb Lectures
Jaundice - Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment - Bilirubi...
EKG Interpretation - Master Basics of ECG - Electrocardio...
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure | Congestive Cardiac Fai...
Epilepsy | Etiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical Features, ...
Heart Sounds in Mitral Stenosis | s1 | Cardiology
Dr Najeeb Lectures $16
MIT OpenCourseWare
1. Introduction to the Human Brain
How to Speak
How opening learning can close knowledge gaps with June O...
Celebrating OCW's "NextGen" Platform with NPR's Anya Kame...
Lecture 4: PCP via GKR and Interactive Arguments, Part 1
Lecture 3: Continuation of the GKR Protocol and Corollaries
INFLAMMATION Part 1: General concepts, types , Vascular c...
INFLAMMATION Part 2: Cellular Events- Leukocyte Recruitment.
Thank You Everyone । 200K । ilovepathology
OVARIAN TUMORS - Part 4: Germ cell tumors: Dysgerminoma...
MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION | Complications | Ischemic heart d...
Ischemic heart disease | part 5 |MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION ...
Clinical Examination of Cirrhotic Liver Disease - Final Y...
Live Session on High yield topics in Obstetrics & Gynecol...
Clinical Edge Live+ - Community Medicine Part 2
Clinical Edge Live+ - Community Medicine Part 1
A 17y/o male presented with C/o seizures, skin lesions. M...
The Writings that Matter | Marrow Notes
Dr.G Bhanu Prakash Animated Medical Videos
Vagina Anatomy - Histology, Blood supply, Nerve supply, L...
Covid-19: कोरोनावायरस के संक्रमण से बचने और इम्यूनिटी बढ़...
General Medicine (Part-1) Rapid Revision By Dr Rajesh Gub...
General Medicine (Part-2) Rapid Revision By Dr Rajesh Gu...
Adenocarcinoma of the lung 🫁
Chylothorax Animation : Etiology, Clinical features, Comp...
Shomu's Biology
Home remedies for urinary tract infection or UTI (urine i...
How to make sanitizer at home in hindi | homemade Hand sa...
Serum vs plasma | The difference
CSIR NET life science paper pattern
Top 5 most important topics repeated every year from CSIR...
Monocytes high in blood test | Monocytes normal range | M...
Rabiul Haque
Cell Injury ( Part 1 ) : Definition, Causes, Hypoxia, Dif...
Neoplasia (Part 1) : Definition, Nomenclature, Features o...
Red Blood Cell Morphology
Sideroblastic Anemia
Thalassemia Part 02: Discussion on Alpha Thalassemia
Thalassemia Part 01: Introduction, Definition, Classifica...
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pathology (31)
physiology (75)
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