ইউটিউব চ্যানেল লাইক দিন Civil and Mineral Engineering at the University of Toronto

3,390,000 1.13%

524,000 2.7%

2,360,000 3.11%

760,000 1.68%

7,820 1.41%

31,600 2.15%

43,400 4.13%

56,900 1.89%

80,700 1.95%

324,000 1.94%

238,000 0.89%

74,700 3.31%

2,070,000 2.26%

125,000 2.23%

1,540,000 2.64%

10,100,000 2.99%

311,000 4.51%

3,210,000 2.78%

364,000 4.22%

10,500,000 3.02%